Our mission

Our main aim is to satisfy our customers, even the most difficult and demanding ones; It is stimulating for us every day to face new challenges, constituted by the sometimes extravagant and unusual requests of those who turn to us for the solution of the most disparate problems: furnishing small spaces in a functional way; create welcoming and elegant environments in an economic way; realize original ideas.
This is what excite and motivate us, this is what makes our work always unpredictable and never monotonous, this is what develops our imagination and drives our customers to turn with confidence and continuity to our professionalism.

All this is possible thanks to the experience we have acquired with continuous improvements in our specific sector, with the development and implementation of our original ideas and with the ability to understand the taste of our customers, thus creating a personalized environment "in their style".

The fundamental aspect of our profession is to get involved, to express our emotions, to create atmosphere and to play with shapes and colors just like a painter in front of his canvas.
We cannot say that "furnishing" is a true form of art; but creating a comfortable and aesthetically satisfying environment is perhaps a small work of art.

Our history

The Corrieri Arredamenti company was established in Matelica (MC) back in 1936, on the initiative of three brothers: Quinto, Gennaro and Nazzareno. At the beginning the activity was aimed exclusively at the production of furniture created by hand in carpentry and displayed in a small room along the main promenade of the city centre. The fervent activity of this artisan workshop had to be interrupted twice due to war events (East African Campaign and II World War), but the tenacity of the three brothers was such that every time they found the strength and enthusiasm to start over.

Over the years, needs of the market changed and thus Corrieri Arredamenti decided to move from artisan production to furniture trade. That was the post-war reconstruction period followed by the economic boom of the 60s, during which many residents of Matelica emigrated for work in different cities of Italy and the Corrieri brothers were ready to deliver furniture even outside their own territory.

As economic well-being started to grow, the availability of customers to buy fashionable and superior products also increased and thus the company introduced the sale of "design" furniture.
In 1966 Corrieri Arredamenti passed into the hands of only one of the three brothers, Quinto, who decided to transfer his business to nearby city of Fabriano and to avail himself of the collaboration with his children.

Currently the "Corrieri Arredamenti snc", with headquarters and permanent exhibition in Via Martiri della Libertà, 42 in Fabriano, is managed by Marcello and Luigina, children of Quinto.